Ideapark Oulu

Open today 10–18* *(Part of the restaurants 10–20) All opening hours


Ideapark Oulu is easy to access! Ideapark is located in Ritaharju district in Oulu, just about 10 minutes’s drive from the city center on the motorway E8. You can easily get there by bus, private car, walking or cycling.

By bus
The buses of Oulun joukkoliikenne (public transport company of Oulu) run near Ideapark. You can reach us easily by bus line 3.  More detailed timetables are available at the site of Oulun joukkoliikenne and its journey planner.

By car
When coming from the motorway, take exit 13 (Pateniemi, Kuivasjärvi and Ritaharju). From the north, the shopping center is on the left side of the motorway, coming from the south, on the right. There are free parking spaces for customers to use. Parking spaces for disabled are located near the entrances.

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